The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses on The Late Show

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Stephen Colbert took over as host of CBS’ The Late Show last month, and he’s been making late-night waves ever since. Last night he managed to cram the entire 74-piece Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses Orchestra into the famed Ed Sullivan theatre for a 4-minute mash-up of some of the most iconic tunes featured in Zelda games, as well as a few new ones from the upcoming Tri Force Heroes. Check out the full performance below, and keep an eye on the baton the conductor is using. It might be familiar to fans of a certain Zelda game recently remade for Wii U…

The orchestra managed to pull off a wonderful performance that just makes me sad I don’t even live close to anywhere they’re performing on their upcoming world tour. To find out if you do, the orchestra’s schedule is posted on their website.


About Author

Devon Aelick has been playing video games virtually his entire life, with his first NES gifted to him – along with the original Legend of Zelda – for his fourth birthday. He graduated from the Computer Science program at Laurentian University. Devon has been blogging about games for roughly five years now (in the little amount of free time he gets between actually playing them).