No more Traditional Controls for Zelda?

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Aonuma, Zelda game producer, recently sat down to talk with gaming website, Games Radar. In their discussion they spoke about a variety of things including controls for the Zelda series and the future of Zelda Wii U.  For the full interview, click through.

GR: So do you think you’ll continue to use motion control in the future? Will you ever go back to traditional controls?

EA: I don’t think we could go back to button control, especially after creating something that’s as natural to use as the interface that we have with the Wii Remote Plus in Skyward Sword. I think Nintendo will continue to have that focus on motion control and we’ll see that continue to evolve. And the hardware as well, in a way that will let people control things very naturally just using their own motions.

GR: Looking forward, can you say anything about the Wii U Zeldaproject?

EA: What can I say…? It’s a difficult question (laughs). We’re just getting started on it even as we speak, so I’m just worried that if I let something slip that’s off that mark…

The feedback that I’ve been getting from a lot of people on Skyward Sword is that they like the game very much, so of course I think probably the most important thing that we’re focusing on right now is how do we take those elements that people seem to really love about Skyward Sword, and really bring that and connect that to what we do with Zelda on the Wii U while still continuing to evolve the game.

GR: Is there any particular feature of the Wii U hardware that you’re excited to work with?

EA: Obviously, it’s the new controller that’s got the screen built into it, and in particular we’re looking at how we can combine that new controller with something like motion control, and perhaps use the new controller in such a way that it becomes a new item that you’re able to use to make the game feel fresh and new.


About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.

  • Love, love, love your blog and thank for all the inspiration . . .

  • Zelda1234

    No more traditional controller? Thats Bull**** Sometimes you just want to be relax and not wave all over the place, Why do you think xbox and ps3 stick with traditional controllers? and they also have thier motion now separated, Also new super mario wii' I was so excited to play it and got tired of it on the secound level, Thats untill dolphin was able to play it with traditional controller now iam almost done playing it' I dont mean to bash on nintendo but they fallen a long time ago and iam glad they lost all that money recently and hope they loose more, maybe just maybe (in my dreams lol) someday Zelda can be on Ps3 or Xbox once nintendo goes under but honestly i dont see that happening, and the only reason they hanging on is becuase of there 1st party exclusives if it wasnt for that this would be another 'Sega' >>>

  • Zelda1234

    Ohh and another thing, my son that 11 doesnt even like the wii' and i bet any amount of $$ that the reason wii sold so many consoles is becuase of everyone being able to hack it

  • JHS

    I'd miss traditional controls and I know I have a reason that I love SS but I can't find.Do you think it's everything?