GAME Offering A Link Between Worlds Special Edition

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GAME has announced a special collector’s edition of A Link Between Worlds. This limited release set will include a copy of the game, a tiny chest music box, a poster for the game, and a digital download code for Link’s Awakening DX  for the 3DS.

GAME is a European retailer, so there is no news about this collector’s edition hitting the states.


About Author

Noah Glaser is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where he majored in Information Technology with a minor in awesome. Noah has worked in web marketing for over 5 years and has built a reputation that has followed him both professionally and independently. He is the founder and lead content contributor for The Hidden Triforce.In the 5th grade he bought Link’s Awakening for his brother as a Christmas gift. Since stealing it back, he has been hooked to the Zelda series and has never looked back. In his spare time you can find Noah frolicking with his Porygon and Kiwi Birds. He dislikes chocolate, cheese, and bacon.

  • josh thornberry

    thats bullcrap just start a line of dvds

  • Tim Smith

    And again North America gets nothing with regards to Zelda… GOOD DAY SIR!

    • Noah Glaser

      The 3ds bundle has been confirmed for the states now. So that’s always good

  • Pindar

    It would be nice to have a direct link to GAME. Amazon is not offering the SE. A search for game goes nowhere for me.