Character Concepts: Alistair

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Age: 17

Race: Hylian

Allegiance: Kingdom of Hyrule


Alistair lives a simple life as a ranch hand in Oldrin Town nestled in West Necluda. He grew up with his parents, a little sister, and worked the ranch with his father. Yet, he had a toxic relationship with his father, as he would often beat Alistair when he made a mistake. It didn’t help that his father was a heavy drinker either. Alistair would be the one to take the beatings, sparing his mother and siblings from the abuse. During his childhood, he was fascinated with the howls of wolves. Alistair would stay up many late nights listening intently to their calls. The more he listened, the more he could understand what the wolves were saying. Alistair even began to howl back to see if they would respond. This eventually became a nuisance to his father and thus, Alistair suffered further abuse. The fuse that lit Alistair’s rage was when his drunken father began assaulting his sister. Nothing held Alistair back as he struck him, forcing his attention on his frightened son. He chased him through the woods, and soon had Alistair cornered. Fortunately, a pack of wolves saved Alistair and chased off the abuser. Later on, Alistair forged a strong bond with the wolves, and was marked as a member of the pack. He had soon returned home to care for his family, and his father never returned.

Given his rough childhood, having to work the ranch, and deal with an abusive parent, Alistair is a stoic and rugged young man. He never had a day to himself, but only to his work and taking care of family in the absence of his father. He was fortunate to be surrounded by good friends and a loving mother, which molded the foundations of his morals and convictions. On the surface, Alistair may seem harsh and unfeeling, but he is a caring individual who does not hesitate to help others. He simply isn’t expressive or forward with his feelings. Though, this results in him appearing ignorant or stubborn when faced with challenges he may not be prepared for. Although not properly trained, Alistair can hold his own considerable well in a fight simply through his sheer strength and stamina.

To this day, Alistair still communes with his wolf pack, but the longer he spends time with them, the more frequently he receives dreams of a Golden Wolf beckoning to him from the dark forest. In the dead of night, Alistair ventured into the woods in search of the spectral wolf. He eventually discovered ruins claimed by the forest, and within them, an odd, shadow-like crystal. Once he grasped it, everything faded to black and he awoke in his home. Alistair couldn’t remember anything from that moment, but he felt incredibly sore, as if he was running on all fours. Now he feels he must discover the nature of the artifact he now holds… and the dark power it possess…


About Author

Oh hi! I am Zach Wojtowicz, but of course you already knew that. I am a post-college student with a masters in card games... ok, a BA in Writing, but that is why I'm here! Aside from being an avid gamer, I compose music and write stories of fantasy and adventure. I have been playing the Legend of Zelda since childhood, and nothing has influenced my art more than Zelda. My only wish is to share my voice to the community of fans, both old and new, that the LoZ series has made possible and continues to grow.